Privacy Policy / General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
This website doesn't use cookies and doesn't ask for any personal data whatsoever.
Whenever anyone navigates to this site, a global integer 'visitor counter' is incremented (and stored) just so I know whether the site is being used. But this is only an anonymous single integer, nothing more. Its current value is: 14,209,236.
The web hosting company also logs whenever anyone looks at this web site and this contains the following information:-
- Date
- Time
- UserAgent (for example Web browser type and version or Web Crawler info)
- Referer (Web page you clicked on to get to this website)
- Web address (URL) as shown in the address bar of your web browser
- Your IP address
They say they log your IP address to comply with standard security practices. Whilst I of course try to comply with GDPR, I don't control how they host the website (and they probably know more about it than I do), so have decided to leave this as is. I can't delete the current log file, but each year a new log file starts (and the old log file deleted). The current log file started on 25 October 2024. The previous log file has been deleted.
This website is nothing to do with , however we are allowed to link to Bible verses on their website (see